Rain Rain Rain, unless you got off early enough to avoid it unlike myself. Low scores tonight attributed to by the poor conditions but congrats to James Symons for sticking it out with his winning score of 35. Apparently you still get cut a shot though! Jim, you're a hard man to be sure.
No ones buys the crisps tonight as we haven't had a night like this weather wise before. But please see below as you will buy the crisps in the future even if you give up after a few holes. N.B. Next weeks results will be on the website a little later than normal as I am away until the Sunday.


If like tonight the weather conditions are bad and you still decide to play in the crispy it is only right that you honour your decision and pay your entry fee and are willing to buy the crisps even if you decide to pull out early because of the rain. The crispy night comp needs to be fair to all who plays in it, so if you turn up and play on the Weds night you are expected to pay. The only exception to this will be when you have told someone prior to playing that you are not entering the crispy for whatever reason, "I'm playing only 8 holes tonight as I have to leave early" etc etc. Lets keep it a friendly night that is played in the true spirit by honest golfers as we don't want to go down the lines of a signing in book etc.
Please help and spread the word to anyone who plays, especially those who do not read our website. Taaaaaaaaa
Web Master isnell@educ.somerset.gov.uk

Fixture Results  (06 Jul 11)
Players Name Playing
Off Of
Points Position Twos Crisps Shots New Crispy
Pep Symons  35 1 Cut 1
Jamie Carr  34 2
Stuart Ling  34 3
Alistair Johnson  33 4
Geoff Tyler  33
Jeff Andrews  32 1
Steve Lowe  32
Chris Hole  31
Gary Wide  31
Kevin Burt  30
Malcolm Lawrence  30
Mark Popham  30
Jill Steeles  29
Stuart Coleman  28
Mike Elkington  28
Paddy Farrell  28
Jim Nation  28
Jamie Tong  28
John White  28
Richard Palmer  27
Sean Hitchcott  26
Ian Snell  24
Pat Jones  22
Dennis Breakwell  21
Roger Wallbutton  21
Roy Miller  18
Paul Coleman  16 1
Stuart Sully  16
Bob Irish  8
John Irish  6